
We welcome contributions to our projects through bug reports, code and documentation contributions, etc. to our projects. Please see our Github page. You can also submit contributions by email.

Before we can accept your code/documentation contributions, in order to enable our licensing strategy, we need you to sign a contributor license agreement (CLA). This aims to:

  • Ensure that SIMPLE-Crypto has authority to enforce the open source licenses;
  • Enable the SIMPLE-Crypto dual-licensing model;
  • Ensure that no contributor will sue any user of the code for patent infringement caused by the contribution.

The contributor is still guaranteed that:

  • He/she retains copyright on his/her contributions.
  • The contributions will be publicly licensed according to the development stage of the project.
  • The CLA is with SIMPLE, a non-profit organization whose statuary goal is to develop open source cryptographic implementations.

If you are the author and own the copyright of your contributions (or if you have the right to license it), please sign the individual CLA. If the copyright of your contributions belong to a company, please ensure that the entity CLA has been signed by an authorized representative and sent to us. If you do not own the copyright in the entire contribution, please mention it whenever you submit it.

Send us the CLA by email, mentioning your Github username (if you contribute on Github).